Prophet Adam


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The book before you is the first one from the series “Quranic Comprehension – Prophets and Prophethood”. Keeping Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) as the pivot, it brings deep analytical insight about the realities of human life by learning through the Holy Quran. It is a unique book which educates us to understand and comprehend the life of Prophet Adam through the Quran. The verses on Prophet Adam are spread across many Surahs (chapters of Quran) but this book systematically presents the verse-analysis and extracts patterns of meanings and relations among the various Quranic verses. Although this book is not written in the style of conventional Tafaseer (Quran commentaries), but it focuses on the comprehension and explorations of Quranic concepts. The book is designed in the form of questions and answers to address some very important and unanswered queries on Prophet Adam.


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